Thursday 21 October 2010

Studio Logo

Charlotte has decided to draw up 5 potential logos that as a group we can decide on our favourite one, which we would like to carry further and make into our production label. Above are the five possible logos for our distributor company.
Before Charlotte could continue any further, as a group we decided to decide on what we wanted to call our studio name, and we decided that we wanted it to be called "E.C.B Productions" after each of our initials, Ella, Charlotte and Beth. This is similar to the way Warner Brothers. named there studio logo after the creaters of the production team.

After looking at all five logos we managed to narrow it down to a final two possible logos that we wanted to use for our production logo. These were the two we decided were the best ones:
We decided that the two best logo designs were the plain yellow star with E.C.B Productions beneath it and the logo with white stars encircling the production title:

We decided that these two would be most suitable for the logo because they both look sophisticated and both appear most realistic. Although the other ones were good, it seemed to me that some people may label them as "tacky and unrealistic" but the two we chose as our favourite look a lot more professional than the others. Both of the two logos include stars, which usually indicates fame and success, which is something that a production label wants to be associated with.

The first logo with the single star consists only of two colours, yellow and white. The yellow is a bright colour, which stands out from the rest of the page and contrasts with the black page. In comparison to this the other logo consists only of white and black colours with 13 stars circling the production team name.

After analysing each logo we came to a decision that our final logo we would use will be the white a black one:
We ultimately chose to go with this logo because we felt that out of all five possible logos this one looks the most professional which is crucial for a production team logo. Another reason why we chose this logo was because we felt that the production team name "E.C.B Productions" stood out the most as the stars were encircling the name.
Now that we have chosen our final logo design, we will be able to take it further and make the template appear even professional, which is the ultimate goal for our logo design.

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