Tuesday 12 October 2010


It is essential that as a group we make the right decision on who we want to cast as our actors in our short trailer clip. It is crucial that when deciding we take into consideration a few things:

- How suitable their looks are for the trailer
- How well they can act

- Whether they will be reliable and available when needed

- How well they fit the criteria

In order to decide on who we want to use for our trailer we have decided to audition possible members from our school, so that we can compare and analyse each possible cast member:

This is Georgie Lewis, she is 18 years old. She has a very bubbly personality and would not be afraid to get involved in the trailer.

Her look is also different from the other girls as she has a short bob, this will add variety to our cast if we decided to use her.

This is Lucy Smith who is 18 years old. Lucy is very experience in acting and is currently completing her second year in drama which means she will have a vast amount of experience and knowledge when it comes to acting. Lucy is aslo very natural and petit looking and will ultimately add diversity to the group.

This Eleanor Failes who is 17 years old, which means she is in the relevant age group that we want for our actors. Her look is casual and relaxed, and is something that girls of her age would usually be wearing. Her clothes are not over the top or unrealistic for a teenage girl, which is essential we have in order to make our cast appear realistic and believable to the audience.
Ellie also took drama for GCSE and for AS which means she has a vast amount of experience in acting, which means she will be able to act well and make the trailer seem believable and professional. This also means that she is in a prime spot to be our main character in the film trailer, and as she is also in our close friendship group we can easily contact her for filming.

This is Annabelle Roberts who is also in the required age group. Unlike Ellie she has short brown hair in comparisons to Ellie's medium length, blonde hair, which means that her appearance is different therefore adding more of a variety to our group. Annabelle's short hair also means that she could be labelled as more of a "tomboy" ultimately meaning that there will also be a variety of personalities in the group of casts.

This is Imogen Clapp who is also aged 17, who fits the criteria for our thriller trailer well. Imogen has a quite dark/dramatic look which is needed to add a variety to our actresses. In this picture Imogen is wearing all black clothes, with some red writing, her clothes immediately indicate a gothik side to her which would mean we would have a variety of different stereotypes in the group.

This is another possible cast member, her name is Katie Leask and she is also 17 years old. She has a natural, soft look and wears casual clothes suitable for someone of her age. Katie has a bubbly personality and would play the role of the "sweet" girl well in a trailer and thriller movie. However Katie has no real experience of acting and therefore it would all be new to her, and she may not make the trailer that convincing.

This is Samantha Caunt, who is 17 years old. She has studied drama at GCSE which means she will have experience when it comes to acting in the trailer, which is very beneficial. As well as this Sam is extremely outgoing and bubbly and will be very committed to ensuring that she will be available for filming.

This is Beth Joyce, who is 18 years old, whp is also in our close friendship group which ultimately means we know we can rely on her and we can easily contact her when needed for our filming. Beth is also very enthusiastic about filming and is excited to hopefully be part of the trailer.

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