Tuesday 12 October 2010

Magazine front cover ideas

Below are a few of my own possible magazine front covers:

This is my first possible magazine front cover:

- I decided to name this magazine "FILMTIME" i purposely allocated this at the top of the page in bold capital letters to stand out from the page. Here i also decided that the word "FILM" would be in larger writing then the word "TIME", the reason i did this was because i wanted the reader to notice the word film first and instantly realise that this was a film magazine, so it acts and an immediate indicator to the magazine genre. As the background of this cover would be black, i would have the text in white, as it will contrast with the black background and red "68" meaning that it will stand out from the rest of the page.

- The main picture on this magazine front cover consists simply off the title "68" in bold, distorted letters and it is in the effect as if the writing is dripping. Across the middle of the magazine i have put the word "EXCLUSIVE" at an angle across the page, infront of the letter "68". This immediately jumps out of the page and catches the eye of a reader, letting them know that in this magazine there is an exclusive for the new movie. I decided to put this text in capital, bubble writing as it instantly makes the text appear larger and stand out. Other features that i have included on this magazine cover include, "celebrate 100 years of THRILLER"-"Alfred Hitchcock Timeline". For this magazine cover i purposely made sure that all the features related to the featured movie, this was done because i wanted it to be clear that the this was for supernatural fans.

- At the bottom of the magazine cover i have added more text saying "Top Ten Films This Week" this is very common on magazines to show other features which are included in the magazine, and is used as an immediate indicator to attract more buyers and make the magazine more appealing. Having additional features such as this are crucial in a magazine front cover because they are what will draw the reader in and persuade them to buy the magazine.

- At the bottom of the cover i have included a bar code, i did this to make the cover seem more authentic and realistic as almost every magazine cover will have a barcode in the corner used as a way of pricing the magazine. On top of the bar code i have included the price of the magazine.

This is my second possible magazine front cover:
- For this option i decided to call my magazine "FilmFirst" i decided that i didnt want the font of the text to be overly complicated because i wanted it to appear more sophisticated. I also decided to call this magazine "FilmFirst" because this title is obvious to the readers that the magazine is a film magazine. Underneath the title in smaller text i have put a tagline saying "Essential film news weekly" this also acts as another signifier into the genre of the magazine and also shows the reader that they can rely on it for delivering essential news.
- Apart from the masthead at the top of the magazine cover the majority of the page is taken up by the feature article photogaph, which is a picture of the main girl, infront of a house. The whole background is an establishing shot of the house and the setting is rainy and dark. The shot of the girl is a full body shot and her emotions are lifeless, clearly stating that she is distressed in some way. For the background the colours on this magazine cover will consist of dark, grey colours making the magazine appear gloomy and dark. These dark colours will also acts as an immediate signifier into the genre of the movie.
- I also decided to include a variety of different features in the magazine, as this is a common convention on a magazine front cover. Alongside these common conventions, i also incuded a barcode and price tag to make the magazine appear more realistic.

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