Tuesday 12 October 2010


Props are an essential part of any film trailer and are crucial to creating an exciting, believable and vibrant setting for the characters. Props in a film trailer fulfil a wide range of roles, whether it be setting the scene for the characters or providing a subtle hint of things to come.
During our trailer we will be using many different props in order to create a visual impact to the viewers as well as a narrative one. It is important that we spend time thinking about what certain props we want to use and how well they will fit in with the trailer.

One of the most important props that we will be using includes the phone. The moment the phone rings in the trailer is a crucial part and should hopefully create a tense moment among the audience. Before deciding on a final one, we decided to look at possible phones we can use:

These three possible phones are very similar to one another, they are all black/silvery colours and are all very modern, high tech looking. Although these are what most modern day teenagers and homes may have, we don't feel they are necessarily right for our film trailer. The main reason for this is because the setting for our trailer is an old holiday house and having such modern day phones used in the house may not be right for the trailer. So we decided that our phone we should use will be the one below:

This is a classic old phone, and one we feel will be perfect for the setting and genre of our trailer. It is a phone that will fit in well with the rest of the surroundings and is also one which is different, therefore eye catching and should hopefully stand out in the trailer, and will be a prop that the audience will remember.

Another vital prop in our trailer is the car that the girls will be driving at the beginning of the trailer. It is important that the car will reflect the girls personality and also be a realistic car for their age group.

These were 2 possible cars that we were going to use for that car part in our trailer, but there were a few problems which made us decide against them. For example both of these cars belong to people who are not appearing in our trailer which therefore means they wont be able to drive the car during the car scene.

We came to a conclusion that the car we want to use will be the fiat 500, we chose this car because we felt that it is suitable for our age group, as well as this it is also modern, stylish and spacious.

Another crucial prop appearing in our trailer is the knife that one of the character grabs during the fast shots. It is important that the knife we chose is realistic, therefore we have decided to look at four possible knifes and then chose what one we would like to use.

These are the four possible knifes that we looked at, the problem we had with some of them was they were either too large, too small or shaped oddly. We decided that the knife we are going to use is the knife 3rd in from the left. This knife looks conventionally suitable for a thriller movie and is the sort of knife you would expect to see in a trailer.

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