Monday 11 October 2010

Film Poster ideas

As a group we have decided that we are going to individually design several of our own film poster and magazine front covers and then bring all of our ideas together and decided whose idea we want to take further and develop into our final poster and magazine cover. It is crucial to know that all names and titles used are just possible ideas and nothing has been finalised at this stage.
Below are my own possible ideas for a film poster:

This is my first potential poster idea:

- The poster is taken up by two main objects, which are an establishing shot of a house and a close up shot of part of a girls face. The house is surrounded by a background of woods and a dark night sky making it appear creepy and disturbing. The position of the girls face on the poster gives the illusion that she is far infront of the house, she has a scared, still look in her face staring straight a head clearly looking disturbed and frightened. Having just these two pictures on the poster front cover allows the audience to immediately relate the girls frightened look to the house in the background.

- At the top of the poster in bold, clear writing the name of the main character is shown. This is purposely done to attract audiences by using "star appeal" which ultimately means that having a well known actor/actress that people are familiar with and have enjoyed some of their previous work, will also want to see this film

- Above the main title I have added a short tagline saying "Do you wanna play?", beforehand as a group we decided that this tagline is are final tagline and we will use this for ever poster/magazine front cover. The main purpose of a tagline is to entice the audience and make them question what it means. As well as this it also gives a rough idea into the plot of the movie and acts as a discreet indicator to the films story.

- The title I decided to use for this poster was "68", this is shown towards the bottom of the page in distorted numbers which allow it to stand out from the rest of the page. Below the title I decided to add the release date of the movie, which I wrote in block capital letters to ensure that it stands out from the page as it is extremely important on a film poster, I also decided to write underneath this "dont experience it alone". I purposely did this because it makes the audience question how frightening the film is, therefore resulting in them wanting to see the film and find out for themselves.

-On the poster i also included a small distributor label in the right hand corner, which is used to show the audience who produced the film. As well as this I also included a text line which says "From the producers of "Creep" this is done to show the audience other successful films produced by them in relation to the same genre.

This is my second film poster idea:

- Unlike the first draft this poster is less busy and the main picture is just of the house, along with the title of the movie which is shown in big bold letters. The whole poster is taken up by an establishing shot of the house, the shot is a night time shot and the house is surrounding by a dark, mysterious wood. The main reason i chose to have this poster at night is because it makes the photo appear more frightening.

- At the top of the poster there are three made up names in a row. I purposely did this to also act as star appeal and attract viewers, but this time i decided to see what it would look like using three names instead of just one. I also decided to have their first names in larger writing on top of the smaller text for their surnames. This was a similar technique i had seen on a previous film poster, which i thought looked good and was different from just putting one name in a line.

- Also at the top of the page i have put a made up review saying "without doubt the best blockbuster of the summer" alongside 5 bold stars. By having a small quote from a review on film poster it will encourage more people to see the film, knowing that it is worth watching.

-At the bottom of the page i have added some text saying "From the producers of Creep and Paranomal Activity" which is another technique to attract the audience by showing similar genre films which have been sucessful, made by the same producers will ultimately attract more viewers.

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