Thursday 17 February 2011

Film Poster Pictures

Beth was in charge of taking the pictures for the poster, which included the photos of Ellie and also a picture of her house. Below are several off the unedited pictures that we may be using for our film poster:

It was Beth's job to take several different shots of Ellie for our film poster, the basic idea for this picture was to take a shot of Ellie looking straight at the camera with a startled/ wide-eyed expression. However we dont want to have the whole of Ellie's face in the picture, only around 60% of the face.
We now need to look at each picture thoroughly and take into consideration which one will work best for our film poster. Certain aspects that we need to consider are; the lighting, the expression, the size and how easily we can fit it into our poster.

Above is the image of Ellie that we have decided to use for our film poster, we went for this one because the lighting in the photo was the best and highlighted Ellie's startled look well. It was also the best size for the poster because it showed the right amount of Ellie and still allows for her emotion to be portrayed.

Aswell as the image of Ellie's face we also needed a picture of Beth's house for the background of the poster. We needed to ensure that the the picture was taken at the correct time of day, this is because we wanted the sky to look gloomy and dark but we couldnt leave it too late as otherwise when we came to editing the picture it would look to dark and blurry to see.
This is the picture of Beths house which we are going to use for our film poster:

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