Wednesday 22 September 2010

Analysing film posters


  • The colour theme on the poster consists of dark blues, greys, blacks and whites. These cold harsh colours keep the theme of a thriller running throughout and are a clear indicator to the genre of the film

  • The majority of the film poster (around 80%) is taking up by a close up shot of the main character, Halle Berry. The close up shot allows the audience to see clearly the scared expression on her face, and once again acts as an indicator to the genre of the film.

  • The font displaying the title of the film is small in comparison to the picture, however the electric, silvery white colour means it contrasts with the dark colours, making it stand out from the poster. This also means that the title is immediately eye catching to the public viewer,

  • At the top of the poster, the main actresses name, Halle Berry is shown in clear, block capital letters. This is shown on the poster to persuade people to see the film as it has famous, well-known stars appearing in it. This would be considered the box office draw.

  • At the bottom of the poster, there is also the name of two other actors that are appearing in the film. However the fact that they are presented in smaller text and at the bottom of the poster suggests that all though important, they are not as important as the main character, Halle Berry. But as they are still a well-known actor (Robert Downy Jr.) and actress (Penelope Cruz) they still act as a box office draw and will attract people.

  • The short tagline "Because someone is dead, doesnt mean there gone" is purposely used to entice the audience and make them want to know what this means, therefore persuading more people to see the film and find out.

  • At the bottom of the poster there is a small logo of the production team behind this film, which in this case is Warner Bro. which is a well-known and extremely successful distributor and has been responsible for many popular films. This will immediatly attract more viewers, as they know that the film will have a high standard due to its distributor.

  • At the very bottom of the poster there is a small piece of text telling the reader when the movie will be released into the cinema which in this case is the 24th October. Having the date of the release date at the bottom of the poster will encourage more people to see the film.

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